Comments on: Can Wind Power Turbines Affect Weather? Conservative commentary served up in bite-sized bits Tue, 04 Nov 2008 04:41:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Doug Payton Tue, 04 Nov 2008 04:41:42 +0000 This wasn’t written as a story to be submitted to the AP, it was just a musing about what kind of impact wind turbines might have. I’d had a question about that in the back of my mind for quite a while, and found an article about it, so I linked to it. No big deal, and I’ve never made a claim about objectivity.

It’s a blog. Get used to it.

While the study did use a huge wind farm as its hypothetical, it does suggest what could happen on a smaller scale. I’m all for wind power, unlike the Democrats near Nantucket Sound, but it’s worth looking into, isn’t it? Don’t you care about the environment?

By: Gabe Tue, 04 Nov 2008 01:45:53 +0000 God forbid you put in this bit of info from the article:

“The study, published in October 2004 in The Journal of Geophysical Research, used a hypothetical model of a wind farm much larger than any that had been built: 10,000 turbines, with rotor blades 165 feet long, in a 60-by-60-mile grid in north-central Oklahoma.”

By the way, that wind farm, (and nobody anywhere is proposing such a monstrosity) with today’s technology, could provide power to around 10 million homes. Why don’t you talk about the environmental impact the same coal-fired generating capacity would have? Of course, that would require actual journalism, and the results wouldn’t jibe with your agenda, would they?
