Shire Network News #169 has been released. The feature interview is with Professor Ian Plimer, author of "Heaven and Earth: Global Warming, the Missing Science". Click here for the show notes, links, and ways to listen to the show; directly from the web site, by downloading the mp3 file, or by subscribing with your podcatcher of choice.
Below is the text of my commentary.
Hi, this is Doug Payton for Shire Network News, asking you to "Consider This!"
This is a tale of two countries. Both have what they call "freedom of religion". But one imprisons people for converting to a religion that is not the official one. The other does not.
Now tell me, which country would you believe if it told you something? OK, one data point does not a trend make. Fair enough, then, let’s continue.
Clearly, simply writing something down on paper does not necessarily mean that a country will abide by those things written. Let’s take a look at a recent event by the country that has freedom of religion but doesn’t, and see the manner in which it practices it.
Two women were arrested on March 5th and later "convicted" of converting to … well, that would be telling, wouldn’t it? Let’s just say, converting to "a non-approved religion", and we’ll let your imagination get to work. Into the slammer with them. [I’m sorry, but I know I’m going to mangle their names.] Maryam Rustampoor, 27, and Marzieh Amirizadeh, 30, were tried on August 9th and told to recant their faith, which they did not. Back to the slammer, this time with a death penalty on their heads for daring to practice "freedom" of religion. Oh, and by the way; medical attention for these young ladies? Not gonna’ happen. Injury, meet insult.
The other country? Well, let’s just say that nobody gets sent to prison for simply believing. Sometimes doing based on believing can land you in hot water, but just believing? Well, not even the guys at Gitmo, not even the ones who were shooting, and then released to shoot again, were incarcerated for believing.
Oops, I think I slipped up there a bit. Well, just pretend I still have you pondering about that particular country, just for a bit.
Now, let me ask you; who comes to the defense of these poor women, still in the hoosegow, awaiting their sentence, for believing? Not some astroturf organization trying to boost an overall image of their religion, but a group dealing specifically with Christian persecution worldwide. The web page of International Christian Concern lists place after place where Christians are not the most welcome folks, and indeed this incident is currently mentioned on the front page. They’re not drumming up feigned offense at perceived slights. Bodies rotting in slums, rape, murder, physical assault; all for believing.
The countries mentioned in the current articles on the front page include Somalia, India, Cuba, Egypt, Pakistan, Burma, Iraq, and one of our mystery countries, Iran. Are you catching a trend here? Most of these are Islamic countries with the occasional Hindu and officially atheist country thrown in.
But Iran gets the Oscar this week for Best Persecution in an Official Capacity for sentencing to death two young women for believing. For them, there will be no Brian De Palma movie made. (That broad brush is reserved for the military.) The United Nations will not pass a resolution on their behalf. (That remedy is reserved for when Israel so much as blinks.) The media will not report on them. (They have better things to do. Michelle Obama’s outfits must be investigated.) No, Iran gets a pass because Iran knows the world, and so far, the world is ignoring these potential martyrs.
And by the way, these are martyrs; people who could die solely because of what they believe. If you go on a shooting rampage and get killed in the process, or if you get captured and sent to the Guantanamo Hilton, with 3 squares a day and your every religious requirement fulfilled, buddy, you ain’t a martyr. I don’t think that word means what you think it means.
And finally, the other mystery country is … well, it’s any of the many countries in this world that was founded on New Testament and/or Old Testament principles — that old-time Judeo-Christian ethic — in which Western civilization is steeped. Now, none of them are perfect because, so far, they’ve been run by imperfect humans. But people don’t get incarcerated simply for believing, no matter the religion they’re coming from or going to. So if you think that one culture and its religious foundation is just as good as any other, and if you think that one country’s word is as good as the other, well then I think you need to take just a bit more time to Consider This.