Blogging Archives

Today’s Odd “Considerettes” Search Phrase

Which type of visual aid is best for showing proportions – #6 on

religious bite-sized food – #2 on Google

The 10-20-30 Virus

Honestly, I have never been tagged with one of the blog memes before, so congratulations to Elementary HistoryTeacher over at (the newly redesigned) “Georgia On My Mind” blog. The tagging requires that I describe where I was in life 30, 20 and 10 years ago (and then tag 5 other people).

1977 – In November, I had just moved to Cleveland, Ohio and started 11th grade at Shaker Heights High School. While there, I got to playing with the one computer available to students, an old HP1000, complete with paper tape puncher for saving & restoring programs. I might still have some of those buried deep in our storage room at home. It was that experience that turned me into the geek I am today. (Or perhaps, as some might see it, I was already a geek just looking for an outlet to express it.) I would sometimes wonder what the year 2000 would be like, how old I would be (wow, that old!) and what my life would be like.

1987 – I was married with no kids and living in Atlanta, Georgia. We were living in an apartment at the time, either soon to move into our first house or a year away from it (I forget these things). I was working for a small company called Quality Consultants, Inc., where I had been employee #9 (if you count all 3 partners and the secretary, Candy (her real name)).

1997 – We had three kids by this time (one more coming 3 years hence), I was still with the same company, though by this time it had been merged with another company, It kept the name at this point, but would change a couple more time in the next 10 years. We were in our first house and making some good friends from church and the neighborhood that we’d have for years.

My problem with retrospectives like this is that, while I remember some events and milestones, I don’t really remember specifically what year they occurred.

In trying to decide who to tag after me, I realized how few fellow bloggers I actually correspond with. I would have like to pick a few that have linked to me often, but couldn’t find an e-mail address for them on their blog to let them know. (And who can blame them, with all the spam these days?)

But I now hereby tag the following lucky winners to spread this incidious meme: Chris from “A Dim Light in a Dark Place”, James at “The Other Athens”, Meryl from (an SNN colleague), and Marc from hubs and spokes.  Enjoy!

Today’s Odd “Considerettes” Search Phrase

“what dotors [sic] say on snake bits [sic]” – #1! on Yahoo Search

Regular Blogging Resuming

Took a bit more work than I’d hoped, but my work in getting another blog moved over to my web host has finally completed. Stones Cry Out is a group blog of Christians talking about the events of the day from our Christian perspectives.

(You may recognize the (slightly customized) template over there. I just love the Tiga theme; so configurable.)

And now, my time is again freer, such as it is.

Today’s Odd “Considerettes” Search Phrase

which country was NOT among the top 3 countries from which immigrants departed according to a 2005 source – #1! on MSN Live Search

Georgia Carnival #17

The latest Georgia Carnival is up. Take a look at what us Georgians are writing about.

Blogging is Happening…

…you’re just not seeing it.

I saw an open letter the other day that just got the writing juices flowing, and so I’ve been spending all my blogging time writing a post about it. Trouble is, it’s going to be a rather long post, and it’s taking my aggregate blogging time from a number of days, and I don’t have all that time much in one day. So while you haven’t seen much posted here, it is being written, and I may post the whole thing over the course of a few days.

Stay tuned.

Georgia Carnival #16

The 16th edition of the Georgia Carnival — great blog posts from other Georgia bloggers — is now up at “My Mind’s on Georgia”.

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Today’s Odd “Considerettes” Search Phrase

ma sued over seer rating – #6 on AOL Search

I’m pretty sure the searcher wasn’t looking for an article about a mother being brought to court over her views on mediums. Rather, it’s about the state of Massachusetts being sued over something related to air conditioner efficiency ratings.

Still, the link to my blog was to an article that had nothing to do with that. Hence its “odd” classification.

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