Pat Robertson’s at i…
Pat Robertson’s at it again. “God is mad at America,” in part because he does not approve “of us being in Iraq under false pretenses.” Further, “he is sending hurricane after hurricane after hurricane, and it is destroying and putting stress on this country.” Robertson also said that God was mad at black America for not taking care of themselves, their women and their children. He noted that 70 percent of black children are born to one parent.

Expect liberals to get outraged over this in even larger proportion to their reaction to some of his previous pronouncements that weren’t as racially charged. This could get ugly.

‘Cept it won’t. That’s because, in reality, New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin said it. It’s OK for him to say this because he’s black and because he’s a Democrat. If he’d been white or Republican and talked about God being upset with blacks, it would have been considered hate speech. And of course, when people invoke God in the name of liberal ideas, in this case on the war in Iraq, you’ll hear hardly a peep. The NY Times covered it only to the point of reprinting the AP wire copy, but that’s it. In fact, I heard on the radio this morning (from the generally conservative host, not the news folks) that there had been some concern by a black city official about Nagin’s “chocolate city” imagery. He wasn’t upset at Nagin (he is black and Democrat, after all), but was concerned that such imagery would be taken in the wrong way. Even that little bit of worry wasn’t mention by the AP nor the Times. Calling blacks the dark chocolate of the world and whites the white milk raiseth not an eyebrow.

Nope, this is no big deal to <redundancy> the Left and the Media </redundancy>. At least this time it isn’t. Frankly, I don’t think it’s a big deal either. Call me a Lactose-American; whatever. I don’t object to colorful language regarding my race. And if Nagin thinks God had a hand in this, that’s his opinion and he’s welcome to it. But if Newt Gingrich or Bill Bennett or, indeed, Pat Robertson himself had said this, we’d be treated to news articles galore on reaction from the Left, and op-eds expressing outrage. Instead, a little wire copy is dutifully pushed and the case is essentially closed.

Nagin’s trying to read God’s mind just as much as Pat was, but little will be said about it, other that mostly right-wing bloggers noting the hypocrisy by <redundancy> the Left and the Media </redundancy>. If only they could move on (.org) as easily all the time.

(Cross-posted at Stones Cry Out and Blogger News Network. Comments welcome.)

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