Chuck Asay gives us “A Brief History of North Korea’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Program”.

Giving foreign aid to countries because we’re afraid of what they’ll do with a nuke doesn’t curtail proliferation, it promotes it. Rogue states get what they need to prop up the dictator, and thus the lives of its citizens are made to be anything from miserable to fatal for the coming years. In the meantime, said rogue state still continues to work on obtaining nukes. There’s never any penalty to be paid, other than a nasty-gram from the UN, so there’s no real reason to live up to the agreement.

This is textbook codependency. We’re enabling the very actions we’re hoping to prevent. And when we try to cut off the free ride, others accuse us of being cold-hearted. The world is acting like the wife of an alcoholic man. And neither situation is healthy for the parties involved.

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