Obama Displays His Value System
President Obama, demonstrating another example of what my brother-in-law Jim called an "incomplete life ethic", rescinded Bush’s executive order, reversing the ban on most federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. Bush’s restrictions were informed by his moral beliefs, but Obama will have none of that.
Aides to Obama told reporters in a phone conference Sunday that the new administration intends to be led by a “responsible practice of science and evidence instead of dogma.” Harold Varmus of the president’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology said, “We view what happened with stem cell research in the last administration as one manifestation of failure to think carefully about how federal support of science and the use of scientific advice occurs.”
He once said that determining when a baby gets human rights was "above my pay grade". Apparently, deciding when to destroy them isn’t.
This, then, is apparently the "rightful place" that he promised to restore science to. It doesn’t sound like morals and ethics are part of the equation anymore.
Ryan Anderson, writing in the Weekly Standard, brings this point home (as well as noting a "big lie" that Obama continues to perpetuate).
During the ceremony this morning, Obama announced that by signing this executive order "we will lift the ban on federal funding for promising embryonic stem cell research." Of course there never was a ban on federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research. President Bush was, in fact, the first president in history to fund embryonic stem cell research. The compromise Bush reached, however, put restrictions in place that prevented the further destruction of human embryos. It is these restrictions protecting human life that Obama has lifted.
Anderson notes that, while Obama did appeal to "moral values", he set up a straw man that he could easily knock down and brush aside, supposedly taking the issue off the table. Anderson’s article covers this and a number of other objections that Obama’s decision simply ignores. Read the whole thing.
The Washington Post headlined their article, "Obama Aims to Shield Science From Politics". It not only touches on the signing of the EO, but notes how this value system will affect us going forward. A memorandum was issued along with this signing.
The memorandum will ensure that "people who are appointed to federal positions in science have strong credentials and that the vetting process for evaluating scientific information doesn’t lead to any undermining of the scientific opinion," he said.
That is to say, Obama wishes to shield science from similar ethical concerns, or indeed any debate, during his administration. Heck, his spokesmen injected politics into the debate by trash-talking "the last administration as one manifestation of failure to think carefully." One wonders how the WaPo headline writer actually came up with that summary of the story.
And finally, Scott Ott satirizes this whole situation, such that it can be, with this:
As he signs an executive order Monday lifting limits on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, President Barack Obama said he intends to make the wealthiest Americans “bear their fair share of the burden.”
Following through on his inaugural promise “to restore science to its rightful place, and wield technology’s wonders to raise health care’s quality and lower its cost“, the president will order the National Institutes of Health to extract stem cells from embryos whose parents earn more than $250,000 per year, and to inject them into “the sick and crippled middle class.”
“Let me be perfectly clear,” Mr. Obama said, “if your family earns less than $250,000 per year, the federal government will not harvest one single stem cell from your embryos…not one single cell. In fact, for 95 percent of working families, my stem cell plan contains nothing but miraculous healing. That’s right, the cures are on the way.”
Again, read the whole thing, and get a good chuckle.
Filed under: Ethics & Morality • Government • Science • Stem Cells
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