A Conservative Nation
I have always though that the US as a whole leans conservative, but now I have a Gallup poll to back up that impression.
The strength of "conservative" over "liberal" in the realm of political labels is vividly apparent in Gallup’s state-level data, where a significantly higher percentage of Americans in most states — even some solidly Democratic ones — call themselves conservative rather than liberal.
I like the accompanying graphic.
Now, why party affiliation doesn’t quite match this, or why we elect such liberals as the one currently in the Oval Office, or heck, whether or not these folks even know what "conservative" means, is an open question. But the fact that they at least believe themselves to be it is heartening to me.
Filed under: Conservative
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LOL, not saying you’re wrong for posting it or questioning the results, but what were their definitions? There are NO liberal states in the US? I’d be really interested in seeing the actual poll if you’ve got a link. They have 4 labels for conservatives and only one for liberal. It’s just an odd way to have a poll set up if you are trying to be unbiased.
Click on a map for the poll data. From the article: “These findings are based on Americans’ answers to a question asking whether their political views are very conservative, conservative, moderate, liberal, or very liberal.” So the map is simply taking one end of the spectrum and showing how close to that end each state is.