No, US Health Care Isn’t Broken
I’ve heard these statistics elsewhere, but not all in one place. So here’s an article doing just that. It tackles the myths about health care in the United States that ObamaCare was so necessary to fix.
- The U.S. spends too much compared to other countries.
- Other countries are doing better at controlling health spending growth.
- The U.S. has abysmal infant mortality rates.
- The U.S. has abysmal average life expectancy.
- The U.S. has worse health outcomes.
The stats have been manipulated to make the US sound far worse than it really it. In most cases its standing is better rather than worse, and in the rest it on par, if slightly lower, than other countries when comparing apples to apples. And in one case — life expectancy — the numbers used include issues that don’t relate to health care at all.
Read the whole thing. (It’s short.)
Filed under: Medicine
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