The United Nations c…
The United Nations continues to be a convention of contradictions.
While some have questioned the propriety of a totalitarian police state serving as a member of the U.N.’s Human Rights Commission, a Cuban representative serving his first day on the panel said it is the U.S. that should be disqualified for membership.
Speaking on the first day of the 61st Session of the commission, Cuban official Juan Antonio Fernández charged the HRC “is being shipwrecked by the weight of its increasing lack of credibility and prestige.” He characterized the commission as a “sinking ship.”
Well he’s right about the characterization, but he obviously hasn’t looked in a mirror recently.
“It is sinking due to its inconsistencies and the impunity enjoyed by a few privileged beneficiaries of the irrational world order in which we live,” said the director of multilateral affairs at the Cuban Foreign Ministry.
“Cuba,” he said, “comes to promote the noblest causes, and also to throw lies out the window, combat the impunity of the powerful and expose the hypocrisy of their lackeys.”
A communist regime built on lies has come to “throw lies out the window’?
He pointed the finger directly at the U.S. government.
Well of course he did. The bullies really hate the guys who stand up to them, and Cuba is no different.
“The membership of a superpower that subjugates human rights and restricts liberties reduces the legitimacy of this commission,” said.
So bringing democracy to the Middle East is more restrictive to liberty than, say, the Ba’athists or communists? This is the kind of brilliance that turns people against the UN for good reason. Putting Cuba on the Human Rights Commission just because it’s their turn to be there is the worst kind of moral equivalence.
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