A fantastic overview…
A fantastic overview of the Iraq war and its repercussions has been posted at Redstate.org. Among his many fine points, is this paragraph, that needs to be engrained in the minds of people for future reference.

The question before the left now is how to deal with these things. Does it embrace the process of change and liberation, and that which caused it? It seems improbable: we only need look to the Cold War to know the myths that will evolve to exculpate and deny. Just as the demise of Soviet Communism inevitably became the product of economic determinism and the wisdom of Gorbachev (little to do with the United States, and certainly not Reagan), so too will the hoped-for impending liberalization of the Muslim world, should it come to pass, be purely the work of local visionaries and the impersonal churning of the god of history. In divorcing the effect from the cause, they will save their self-respect at the price of denying credit to those who sacrificed so dearly to bring it about. It is their way, and if there is dishonor in it, so be it. But it is not ours. We can look at the millions shaking off their chains — liberating themselves from themselves, as it were — and think of the dead we know who helped make it happen.

The left has not learned from history, and Trevino has thus predicted they’ll repeat it. Not a long-shot bet at all. Be listening.

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