Jonah Goldberg has r…
Jonah Goldberg has responded to Mary McGrory’s change of heart. Actually, he seems convinced that it’s more a change of heart than head.

This is a woman who writes a regular column for The Washington Post, and not one of her reasons has anything to do with the actual facts at issue. She doesn’t like Bush. She doesn’t like his advisers. Comments about Bush’s intelligence seem to be the lynchpins of her opposition to war. When she says that “among the people” she knows, “nobody was for the war,” she sounds like Pauline Kael, the New Yorker writer who famously said in 1972 that Nixon couldn’t have won because, “I don’t know a single person who voted for him!” Ultimately, McGrory says she’s convinced because Powell’s on board with a war and she likes Powell. She deserves credit for publicly changing her mind, but that is what’s so damning about the knee-jerk opposition of so many anti-war liberals -it’s based in animus, not logic.

He’s got a point, one that I’ve made for a long time: liberal arguments for so many things are based on emotion and feelings rather than facts or reality. The points in McGrory’s article that I excerpted earlier weren’t really all that new. We’ve known that Hussein has had chemical and biological weapons for years. But when Colin Powell says the same words, suddenly it all makes sense.

As Goldberg says later on, it’s nice to have her on board, but we wish it was because she realized it’s the right position to take rather than because she feels better about it now. That kind of support dries up and blows away with a change of wind.

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