Over at Redstate.org…
Over at Redstate.org, Pejman Yousefzadeh is steamed about the Kelo “Eminent Domain” decision (as are a jillion other people). It highlights a problem with the Supreme Court that Pejman serves up with a great line; “All of you out there who mocked originalists and strict constructionists? Look what your mocking hath wrought.” Pejman takes on the major points of the decision, pointing out their flaws with specific facts, not just general principal disagreements.

One thing I’ll note is that it was generally the liberal justices that allowed this to pass, and it was generally the conservative ones that dissented. And, if as Instapundit noted, a lot of liberals disagree with this, perhaps some soul-searching is in order for those who think judges of that stripe make better Supreme Court justices. What I find interesting is the strange bedfellows created by this. Glenn notes this post at Daily Kos which supports the decision. The strange bedfellows here are liberals and the oh-so-evil private corporations. The post’s author, “hoyapaul”, seems to realize this.

As first glace, you may think that giving private homeowner property to a private corporations is a bad thing. And it very well might be in many cases.

But this is another case of liberals sacrificing their principals. If they’re really for the “little guy” against the big corporations and developers, why applaud this decision? The answer immediately follows:

However, if the Court had ruled differently and NOT allowed local governments to do this, it would have been a disaster for local governments to build for the community (including when the purpose is to help the environment, build affordable housing, create jobs, etc.). It would have sacrificed needed community power at the hands of the sort of property-rights extremism frequently displayed by right-wing libertarian types.

Can’t let those right-wing libertarians get their way, dontcha know? And while he couches the possibilities in liberal ideals like helping the environment or building affordable housing (wonder if “public housing projects” count in this), the result is that big developers get the big benefit.

And apparently, even the usually hard-left commenters at dKos are not entirely happy. The very first comment’s title is “HEIL WALMART!!”, and the discussion goes from there. Hey folks, maybe those strict constitutionalists get it.

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