Homespun Bloggers Ra…
Homespun Bloggers Radio, Program #7, released!

Yes, it’s been a while, but HBR is back with some old and some new voices.

  • First, a tribute to Mike “Bunker Mulligan” Reed, an HBR contributor who passed away in June. We’ll miss him very much. Juli from Dagney’s Rant says it for all of us.
  • Bob James, a new contributor who write the blog CrosSwords, gives us an example of another country that is already misusing Eminent Domain.
  • Andrew Ian Dodge of Dodgeblogium brings the London report, about a Conservative Party that isn’t acting all that conservative.
  • The founder of Homespun Bloggers and writer of MuD&PHuD, Tom Carroll, speak out against the Kelo decision with some concrete steps to take to protect your property.

To listen, click here or on the “Homespun Bloggers Radio” button to the left. The current audio feed is a loop of show #7. Also, you can click here to download a high-quality version of the show.

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