From a commenter at …
From a commenter at Stones Cry Out:

That was then…

“You have obviously had a very distinguished record, and I certainly commend you for long service in the public interest… I think it is a very commendable career, and I am sure you will have a successful one as a judge.” – Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Mass), in 1990 on the confirmation of Judge Alito in the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals.

…this is now.

“If confirmed, Alito could very well fundamentally alter the balance of the court and push it dangerously to the right,” – Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Mass), October 31, 2005 on the prospect of Judge Alito’s confirmation as an associate Justice of the SCOTUS.

Yes, the original remarks were made 15 years ago, but has Alito shifted that far to the right in that time? Has he changed that much?

Not according to his mother he hasn’t.

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