One of the anonymous…
One of the anonymous sources on the NSA wiretapping program has come forward and wants to testify.

A former National Security Agency official wants to tell Congress about electronic intelligence programs that he asserts were carried out illegally by the NSA and the Defense Intelligence Agency.

Russ Tice, a whistleblower who was dismissed from the NSA last year, stated in letters to the House and Senate intelligence committees that he is prepared to testify about highly classified Special Access Programs, or SAPs, that were improperly carried out by both the NSA and the DIA.

“I intend to report to Congress probable unlawful and unconstitutional acts conducted while I was an intelligence officer with the National Security Agency and with the Defense Intelligence Agency,” Mr. Tice stated in the Dec. 16 letters, copies of which were obtained by The Washington Times.

I wonder if Mr. Tice is also, or has consulted, a constitutional law expert, as his assertion of the actions as being unconstitutional are pretty forceful. Other folks are not so sure, and are at least being circumspect about it (emphasis mine).

Critics of the eavesdropping program, which gathered and sifted through large amounts of telephone and e-mail to search for clues to terrorists’ communications, say the activities might have been illegal because they were carried out without obtaining a FISA court order.

The Justice Department has said the program is legal under presidential powers authorized by Congress in 2001.

But since Mr. Tice is a whistleblower, he must know more about this.

Mr. Tice said yesterday that he was not part of the intercept program.

OK, well maybe only just a little more.

UDPATE: Power Line has more information on Mr. Tice.

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