German Govt. Offers Homeschoolers a Deal
Give us the rest of your kids, and we’ll call it even.
German authorities who sent 15 uniformed police officers to take custody of a 15-year-old girl who committed the crime of being homeschooled now have suggested a solution that, in their minds, would “resolve” the situation: the parents should give up custody of their other five children.
The situation involving Melissa Busekros has been in the headlines ever since the beginning of this month, when the officers arrived at her parents’ home with a court order allowing them to take her into custody, “if necessary by force.”
“Melissa’s father, Hubert Busekros, said he and his lawyer were offered a compromise this week that they could not accept,” the [Homeschool Legal Defense Association] said. “The authorities wanted the Busekros’s to give up custody of their other five children in order to resolve this situation. Hubert said the authorities are considering doing psychiatric exams on the other five children in order to implicate Hubert and his wife as unfit parents and thereby break up the family.”Such actions, the homeschool organization said, are “an outrage.”
“There are approximately 40 other cases pending in Germany [against homeschoolers],” the HSLDA said. “Many homeschool families have fled to Austria or another nearby country where homeschooling is legal. The German government is persecuting these innocent families without mercy. The German Embassy has indicated they cannot allow ‘parallel cultures.’ Christian homeschooling is a ‘parallel culture’ that Germany does not want.”
As always, some of the best updates can be found at the blog “Principled Discovery”.
Technorati Tags: education, homeschool, Germany, Melissa Busekros, Hubert Busekros
Filed under: Education • Homeschooling
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“The German Embassy has indicated they cannot allow ‘parallel cultures.”
Yeah, gotta get rid of those ol’ “parallel cultures”. I guess homeschoolers just aren’t German enough. Once the economic and racial threat from homeschoolers is eliminated, I wonder which “parallel culture” the German government will target next. Maybe the Jews?
I think the German government should stop while they’re behind.