Anaylizing the Pope’s Pronouncement
Wednesday, July 11th, 2007 at
12:55 pm
Danny Carlton analyses the Pope’s latest document asserting that the Catholic church is the real Christian church and the rest of us are just posers. He thinks, as do I, that this is no real cause for concern among Protestants, since this is essentially a restatement of what the Roman Catholic church has always taught. No surprises there.
Well, except it does get a few folks in a knot. Read the post for details.
Technorati Tags: Roman Catholic church, Pope, Christianity
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People who do not practice relativism these days, i.e. those who stand behind what they say and what they believe in, are very likely to get relativists in a knot. May they stay in Gordia until they’ve accepted reason and reality.
P.S. Love the blog, and in the light of the above, admire your point of view!
Aw shucks, thanks, Cassandra.