"What the Public Wants"
That’s what many folks think that Hollywood produces, and it’s the excuse given when others lament what comes out of the movie industry. The public wants it, and the movie houses’ job is to make money, so the produce what does it best.
If that’s so, it’s time for a change of direction in Hollywood.
Americans flock to movies with patriotic, moral content, according to a study that looked at thousands of movies released by Hollywood in recent years, but they avoid those with socialist and anti-capitalist themes in droves.
"Movies with very strong Judeo-Christian values, capitalist ideals, patriotism and pro-American attitudes do much better at the box office than movies promoting socialism, Marxism, left-wing political correctness and atheism," said Ted Baehr, publisher of MOVIDEGUIDE©: A Family Guide to Movies and Entertainment, and chairman of the Christian Film & Television Commission ministry in Hollywood.
The article goes on to note that the type of movies that Baehr supports make a lot more money, on average, that the others, and this trend goes back at least as far as 2002. If that’s the case, Hollywood would be making more of them; that’s what the public wants.
This also goes back to the fact that G and PG rated films make more money than R and NC-17 ones. Shouldn’t we be seeing more of the ones that bring in the cash? Well, we’re not likely to see that.
[Baehr] said the results also show that there are two reasons Hollywood releases movies. The first is to entertain and make a profit, while the second is to "show you’re just as Hollywood PC as the next producer."
"If you’re making a movie like ‘Redacted,’ you’re cruising for a box office failure," he said.
He said such projects will only do filmmakers good "in the small inner circle of the elite system that is contrary to the values of faith and tolerance and grace."
The results show the "average movie-goer" has more common sense than the average person who considers himself among those "elite," he said. He also noted that those are only a portion of the Hollywood industry, because "there are a lot of good people, producers, writers and directors" in Hollywood.
I think, too, that the PC ones are as much for indoctrinating and influencing the culture as they are for ideology’s sake. As such, the excuses for the Hollywood Left don’t hold water.
Technorati Tags: Hollywood, movies, Ted Baehr, MOVIEGUIDE
Filed under: Economics • Liberal • Movies
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