Friday Link Wrap-up
I’ve been on the road this week, and by the time this posts I’ll be heading home. I haven’t done much blogging as a result, but I have collected a few links.
Remember all the riots, protests and violence when the US military burned Bibles? Or when Muslims blew the doors off churches, burned Bibles and destroyed every cross they could find? Yeah, me neither. Define for me “religion of peace” again? The actions that the Left calls “Islamophobia” in America don’t hold a candle to what gets done to Christians by Muslims elsewhere, but somehow “Christophobia” hasn’t entered their vernacular yet.
The amount of money the United States now owes is more than all the money in the world. That’s how bad it is.
Christians protest abortion, the media yawns. One pro-abortion protestor hits the streets, you get an article with pictures.
Gun owner ship goes up. Violent crime goes down. If the Left was right about poor economic times causing crime, and that more guns cause more crime, there ought to be more heads exploding on that side of the aisle, if they’re being intellectually honest.
The return of no-money-down mortgages. Um, that’s what got us into this mess in the first place!
The disappearing homeless. Well, they’re still there, and likely there are more now that the housing bubble popped. But the media has gone silent on them. Guess they’re waiting for a Republican President, like they did before.
And finally, from Chuck Asay, some advice about getting your religion hijacked. (Click for a larger version.)
Filed under: Abortion • Economics • Guns • Islam • Media • Religion
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