Friday Link Wrap-up
UK cancer survival rates are the worst in the Western world. And yet another example of Sarah Palin’s death panels, "And the elderly are routinely denied surgery or drugs to remove tumours because doctors think it is not worthwhile."
President Obama brings bi-partisanship to Washington. "Crossing party lines to deliver a stunning rebuke to the commander in chief, the vast majority of the House voted Friday for resolutions telling President Obama he has broken the constitutional chain of authority by committing U.S. troops to the international military mission in Libya.
Obama wouldn’t defend federal law in court (DOMA), wouldn’t abide by the War Powers Act, and is now ignoring a law intended to protect Medicare.
Medical & Politics
You can keep your current insurance under ObamaCare…unless your employer is one of the 30% that say they’d drop it.
Under a Republican administration, this would be considered a church/state entanglement. For a Democrat, free pass.
U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius asked black pastors and clergy members to help the administration fight what she called “mistruths” about the health care reform law President Barack Obama signed into law last year
Middle East
When 90% of folks in the Middle East hold an unfavorable opinion of Jews (Jordan 97%, Palestinians 97%, Egypt 95%, Lebanon 98%), you gotta’ wonder how possible peace is between them. You also gotta’ wonder how much is prejudice. Once you get to know those Jews, attitudes turn around. "By contrast, only 35% of Israeli Arabs expressed a negative opinion of Jews, while 56% voiced a favorable opinion."
Iran suggests that the day after their first nuclear test would be no big deal. They are floating the trial balloon. Will the world notice?
And finally, some sacrifice is shared rather unequally. (Click for a larger version.)
Filed under: Democrats • Government • Iran • Israel • Medicine • Middle East • Military • Politics • Religion
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