Friday Link Wrap-up
Mitt Romney, a real community organizer.
Record-breaking attendance at Canada’s March for Life. Over 19,000 people participated. Support is growing.
Around the world, Obama has become something of a disappointment. He talked a good game, but was a bit short on follow-through.
However, the President has certainly had his share of ‘firsts’ while in office. Doug Ross enumerates 3 dozen of them.
If you personally know thieves that otherwise live their lives with "goodness and holiness", does that mean thieving is, therefore, condoned? This press release from the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, DC seems to suggest that.
RIP OWS. We hardly knew you (and I think you hardly knew yourself).
After being voted down unanimously in the House, Obama’s budget is unanimously voted down in the Senate. One word: Leadership.
An admission that environmentalists sat on their hands during the BP oil spill because Obama was in the White House. Again, for the Left, it’s always political. Principle always gets the back seat.
And finally, what’s next to "evolve"? (Click for a larger version.)
Filed under: Abortion • Culture • Democrats • Economics • Environment • Government • Homosexuality • Politics
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