Air America in a tai…
Air America in a tailspin? Drudge is reporting:
In yet another sign of trouble for Air America Radio, the liberal talk network entering its fifth chaotic week on the air, co-founder and chairman Evan Cohen resigned Thursday, as did vice-chairman and investor Rex Sorensen.
The CHICAGO TRIBUNE is planning to report in fresh editions: The company also failed to make its scheduled payroll, leaving its staff roughly 100 radio personalities, writers, and producers unpaid until Thursday.
The departures of Cohen, a former political operative from Guam who was among the network’s initial investors, and Sorenson, an investor who owns radio stations in Guam, mark the second executive shake-up at the fledgling network in as many weeks.
It’s also being reported by the Chicago Tribune, but you need a subscription to get there, and I’m not submitting my E-mail for more spam at this time.
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