“Finally, the leader…

“Finally, the leader of the free world had spoken the truth – a truth that burned inside the heart of each and every one of us.”

But a truth that the liberal elites could never understand, because it involved a moral clarity they don’t posses. That quote is from Natan Sharansky, who was a Soviet prisoner in an 8 x 10 foot cell in Siberia in 1983. He’s speaking of the time he heard about Reagan’s “Evil Empire” speech.

“We dissidents were ecstatic,” Sharansky wrote in a column for the Jerusalem Post.

Sharansky recalled, at the time, he could not have imagined he would be in the White House three years later telling his story to the president.

The Israeli leader said he was aware there had been much criticism of Reagan’s decision to cast the struggle between the superpowers as a battle between good and evil.

“Well, Reagan was right and his critics were wrong,” Sharansky said.

And, when it comes to good and evil, they still are.

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