The good guys are wi…
The good guys are winning.
KABUL (AP) – Fugitive Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar has fallen out with some of his lieutenants, who blame him for the rebels’ failure to disrupt the landmark Afghan presidential election, the U.S. military said Wednesday.
Election officials, meanwhile, said U.S.-backed interim President Hamid Karzai could all but seal a victory Thursday as vote counting proceeds from an Oct. 9 ballot that came off largely peacefully.
A U.S. military spokesman, Maj. Scott Nelson, said intelligence reports from Afghanistan and neighbouring Pakistan indicated the Taliban’s failure to mount major attacks during the election had demoralized the rebels.
“There’s been serious disagreements between Mullah Omar and some of his lower commanders on the strategy for the follow-up after the election,” Nelson said. “There’s a lot of frustration with his lack of effectiveness in disrupting the election.”
The Global War on Terror is working, and the bad guys are having a tough time working up a head of steam in Afghanistan.
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