To expand on my post…
To expand on my post yesterday regarding the reaction from the Democrats to the showing of “Stolen Honor” in a theater, WorldNetDaily has an article enumerating the things that Democrat politicians–not just the “man on the street” but the party itself–are trying to do to keep this film away from the public.

The challenges to Sinclair [Broadcast Group] include:

  • The Democratic National Committee filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission charging that the broadcast would amount to an illegal campaign contribution.
  • A group of 18 Democratic senators asked Federal Communications Commission Chairman Michael Powell to probe whether the program would violate regulations on the use of public airwaves.
  • The Kerry campaign wrote a legal brief to the president of Sinclair, insisting the Democratic presidential nominee should be given equal time and allowed to run his own program.

And there are more listed from people & groups not directly related to the Democrat party. Again, was there anything remotely approaching this suppression of free speech for “Fahrenheit 9/11”? And where was all this righteous indignation when Moore was working on getting that movie (with well-documented lies) on broadcast TV?

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