Tolerance is now bei…
Tolerance is now being taken to the next level; acceptance.
The largest bank in Canada has directed its employees to “be supportive” of “gay, lesbian and bisexual issues” and to show that support by displaying the homosexual movement’s rainbow triangle symbol in the workplace.
The Royal Bank of Canada made the statements in the first edition of a new newsletter called “Rainbow Space.” [.pdf version] The publication is meant to highlight “the importance of sexual preference as one of RBC’s primary diversity elements.” In making the appeal to its employees, the bank urged them to display a rainbow-colored triangle sticker on their “desk, cubicle or office.”
“Voluntarily displaying this sticker shows gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered co-workers that they can feel safe with you, and shows unsupportive co-workers that you won’t tolerate homophobia,” states the newsletter.
It’s not good enough just to tolerate anymore, now you must accept. If you don’t accept, you’re “unsupportive”, by this definition. The newsletter talks about creating “Safe Spaces” for homosexuals, as though if you’re not fully supportive of their behavior and their politics you are therefore “unsafe”. This is the extreme that conservatives have been saying would come sooner or later. Looks like “sooner” is here.
For those who may not think this is really that big a deal, consider this rewriting of the quoted portion of the article:
The largest bank in Canada has directed its employees to “be supportive” of “Christian issues” and to show that support by displaying the Christian cross symbol in the workplace.
The Royal Bank of Canada made the statements in the first edition of a new newsletter called “Christ’s Space.” The publication is meant to highlight “the importance of religious preference as one of RBC’s primary diversity elements.” In making the appeal to its employees, the bank urged them to display a wooden cross sticker on their “desk, cubicle or office.”
“Voluntarily displaying this sticker shows Christian co-workers that they can feel safe with you, and shows unsupportive co-workers that you won’t tolerate Christophobia,” states the newsletter.
How would you react to that? Given how speaking out against homosexuality may soon become hate speech, it may be soon Christians will need to know who their friends are. Will you participate, hmm?
(Cross-posted at Comments welcome.)
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