Oh fer goodness sake…
Oh fer goodness sake…talk about irony.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Bill Clinton’s presidential library devotes one of 14 exhibit areas to scandal, explained in the context of Republican Party efforts to discredit Clinton.

In a pre-opening tour of the library, media got a look at the 14 alcoves detailing different aspects of Clinton’s years in the White House. His peace efforts receive twice as much space as the scandals.

“His supporters will say, ‘Oh, why did you give this so much space?'” library director David Alsobrook said Wednesday. “But his detractors will come up and say, ‘Dave, where is the blue dress?'”

Alsobrook was alluding to the garment produced by Monica Lewinsky during the investigation that led up to Clinton’s impeachment.

The scandal exhibit, called “The Fight for Power,” mentions Lewinsky by name and includes sections called “Politics of Persecution” and “A New Culture of Confrontation.”

Persecution? Confrontation? Do you mean all those Clinton administration officials who trashed anyone who dared contradict the President? The same ones with egg on their collective faces when Clinton finally, after lying and obfuscating, owned up to his own behavior? When you lie to the American people and lie under oath, dealing with it is not persecution, that’s prosecution, and it’s a perfectly legitimate job of government. Heaven help us if the checks and balances in our system are ever generally considered “persecution”.

It’s not the “Clinton Library”, it’s the “Museum of Sour Grapes”.

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