On “Considrettes Rad…
On “Considrettes Radio” today I talked with Bill Bennett about comparing Iraqi voters, who braved threats of violence and death to vote in huge numbers, with some American voters, who, along with Barbara Boxer (D-Neptune) think that standing in the rain to vote is equivalent to disenfranchisement. (In my call, I said that Boxer complained about California voters in the rain, but she actually came to the defense of the poor, wet voters in Ohio.) Fractured definitions of “disenfranchisement” aside, though, you really have to hand it to the Iraqis for not cowering in the face of real danger and standing up for themselves.

“Considerettes Radio” on Bill Bennett’s Morning in America (WGKA, Atlanta, GA) 1/31/2005 8:20am EST (181K)

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