“…but…”That’s th…

That’s the word that has made the Left in this country sound like they were bolstering dictators and terrorists.

  • “Saddam Hussein is a murderous dictator, but….”
  • “Osama bin Laden may want us dead, but….”
  • “Elections in Afghanistan were good, but….”
  • “The capture of Saddam Hussein was good, but….”

In most of these cases, the argument or idea following “but”, had it been followed, would have left the status quo in place for the foreseeable future. Sanctions and the Oil-for-Palaces Food program would have continued to enrich Hussein and left the people of Iraq in poverty, even while the rape rooms would still in operation and Uday and Qusay would be continuing their own reign of terror . Al Qaeda would still be protected by the Taliban. Women would still be denied an education and voting rights in Afghanistan.

But no thanks to the anti-war left, liberation has come to two countries, and the second one of them is holding an election. I wonder how soon we’ll hear this: “Oh, the election was a good thing, but….” There’s no question we’ll hear it. it’s just a matter of when. How quickly will the pessimism of the Left kick in?

Be listening. And realize who really wants to see freedom spread.

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