Dave Ridenour has no…
Dave Ridenour has noticed that Staples is boycotting (i.e. stopping all ad purchases from) Sinclair Broadcasting, because of E-mails from angry customer (i.e. Kerry supporters) saying that the network has a right-wing bias. In the news article cited, Staples spokesman Owen Davis said that, while they don’t disclose the specifics of its decision-making process, “Staples did consider among other factors the concerns expressed by our customers” regarding the program broadcast by Sinclair featuring the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, “Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal”.

Dave cancelled his account at Staples until they clarify this situation; whether the report is untrue, or if it’s true, and right-wing bias was they’re reason, then whether they’ll also boycott networks for left-wing bias. Dave said that he’d certainly have some nominations to forward on to Staples. CBS comes to mind of course, but I’d also suggest NBC for airing gossip about the Bushes from Kitty Kelley for 3 days straight on the “Today” show. (I made this same point in my segment on the most recent Homespun Bloggers Radio show.) Which more clearly shows bias; one show features guys who were actually there vs. 3 days of hype over a gossip book? You make the call.

To Staples.

UPDATE: Staples is denying any bias, and denies cutting off Sinclair from it’s marketing budget. The spokesman for this statement is Paul Capelli. What’s interesting is that for certain kinds of contacts, Owen Davis and Paul Capelli are interchangeable (e.g. this news release). In their denial, Capelli says, “Our media buying process with Sinclair Broadcasting stations has recently been misrepresented by an organization with no affiliation to Staples”, but the Post article was just quoting Davis. Very strange.

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