It’s time for Grill …
It’s time for Grill Blogging again. This time, the fare is pretty standard; hamburgers. Nothing fancy, but good summer food. It’s been hot and muggy today (it rained here pretty much the whole time I was on the road at a client’s location). The grass has grown a lot this week, so I’ll have to mow tomorrow (a weekly ritual during summer; can’t let it go too much longer at a stretch).

I’m hearing more nature sounds than man-made ones this time, although even some of the natural ones are typical for suburbia; the barking dog as the prime example. But I’m hearing a lot more birds this time, but, to be honest, I haven’t the foggiest idea what they are by their calls. We have a clock in the kitchen that makes bird sounds at the different hours; owl, Canadian goose, robin and a number (well, exactly 9) others. Even after hearing these chirps ever day for years, other than the owl and the goose, I still don’t know which is which just by the sound. I did find out this week, however, that the co-worker I went on-site with can tell a few more call just by the sound. The way I found out was that the woman in the cubicle next to ours at the client site had the exact same bird clock. Now, I may not know my bird calls, but if I hear the exact same one over and over for years, and then hear the precise call again somewhere else, I know it. When we first heard the Tufted Tit Mouse, my co-worker thought perhaps someone left a window open. At the next call, my suspicion was confirmed and we went over to see that, in fact, the same Audibon Society clock was hanging off the fabric wall of her cubicle and we let her know we appreciated it. When the owl hooted, it was lunch time. At robin o’clock, it was time to head out to the hotel.

The sizzle of the hamburgers is telling me they’re just about done. The call on my cell phone says my wife is almost home from taking my daughter and her best friend to “Star Wars III”. Ah, the sounds of suburbia. >grin<

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