Bryan Preston has a …
Bryan Preston has a review of the book “No More Christian Nice Guy”. An excerpt:
Modern Christian men, argues Coughlin, have grown up with an image of Jesus as always patient, longsuffering, deferrent and even obsequious and effette. This softheaded, soft-focus Jesus is a false image that removes the very masculine character of Christ’s leadership, thereby giving Christian men a false understanding of their role in life and church. Christian men cannot be effective leaders if they’re afraid that Christ discourages them from being men. Coughlin argues that the Christian Nice Guy who is a product of this false, emasculated Jesus is unwilling to stand for truth, to battle wrong and to make waves. Ultimately, the Christian Nice Guy lives in fear that he’ll upset someone, and so he takes no action even when he sees clearly that something must be done, and perhaps even knows what that something is.
Christ never lived that way. He picked fights with the Pharisees to expose their hypocrisy, used sarcasm to mock their false holiness and their stinginess, and even went on a rampage in the middle of the temple in order to correct gross misconduct. Christ never feared that his actions might upset someone, and in fact at times went out of his way to say upsetting things in order to advance truth.
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