The Georgia legislat…
The Georgia legislature has signed off on the final version of a bill to require photo IDs at polling places. Next stop: the governor’s desk, and he says he’ll sign it.

This was tried last year, but a judge struck it down, considering it tantamount to a poll tax. Since I believe it said that people without a driver’s licence could get a state-issued ID but would have to pay for it, I can understand that ruling. This version makes it free.

Predictably, the Democrats don’t like this anti-voter-fraud idea.

State Rep. DuBose Porter of Dublin, the Democratic leader in the House, denounced passage of the bill as unnecessary and an attempt by the GOP “to rig this November’s elections.”.

He said the GOP has not been able to document a single case of fraud involving election-day voting.

“Aren’t we just speaking about a problem that doesn’t exist?” Porter said.

Well, if you don’t check ID at the polls, how can you substantiate claims of voter fraud? Wonderful catch-22.

Just as predictably, the ACLU is ready to challenge this common-sense measure. Must protect the civil liberties of those ballot stuffers, dontcha’ know?

(Cross posted at Stones Cry Out, Blogger News Network, and Redstate. Comments welcome.)

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