Iran is snubbing the…
Iran is snubbing the UN’s request to explain the resumption of their nuclear program.
Iran’s delegation to the International Atomic Energy Agency abruptly left Vienna Thursday without attending a meeting in which delegation members were to explain the reasons behind Tehran’s planned resumption of its nuclear program, IAEA spokeswoman Melissa Fleming said.
“The meeting today was supposed to be about the clarification of Iran’s ‘R&D’ (research and development) intentions in restarting their nuclear program,” Fleming told CNN in a phone interview.
Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization announced Tuesday it would restart its nuclear research program on January 9 to put idle atomic researchers back to work.
An IAEA statement Tuesday said Mohamed ElBaradei, the director general, acknowledged the right of Iran “to the peaceful use of nuclear technology.”
“However, he continues to call on Iran to take the steps the IAEA requires to resolve outstanding issues regarding the nature of Iran’s nuclear program,” the statement said.
Two words: They won’t.
Iran is using the UN against itself, hoping that the diplomats who stake their reputations on finding diplomatic solutions will talk away the hours until Iran reaches the point of no return. So far, the gambit is working.
“In the meantime, Dr. ElBaradei also calls on Iran to take voluntary measures to build confidence, and enable the resumption of dialogue with all concerned parties.”
They won’t even voluntarily attend a conference, for goodness sake! Why in the world do you think they’ll agree to anything? The only way Iran will not create a nuclear bomb is if they meet with force opposing it. On balance, the actions of that country have proven that, and the UN ought to be doing more than just taking notes and hoping Iran might someday play nice.
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