Surge in Teacher Sex Abuse Against Students
New York State’s Education Department has completed an internal study with results that should disturb parents of any state.
The study found the number of accusations against teachers [of sexual abuse to students] doubled in five years, to nearly one case for every day and a half of the school year. Almost three in four of the “moral conduct” cases involved sex between a teacher and student.
Taken together, the cases show a pattern of a small number of teachers preying on adolescents’ need for attention, then exploiting their insecurities to keep the secret out of fear of ridicule or long-lasting damage.
The misconduct is part of a system in which other teachers can be reluctant to report colleagues, administrators are reluctant to act on claims that could result in bad press and lawsuits, and state hearing officers are not trained to spot and deal with sexual misconduct.
A state investigator called one case “almost like a type of mind control” often reinforced by e-mails and instant messages.
Of course, the study can’t count or document those incidents that don’t get reported, and if colleagues are reluctant to report on each other, there could indeed be a large number under the radar.
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