Shire Network News #117
Shire Network News #117 has been released. The feature interview is with Ezra Levant, who is the former publisher of Canada’s Western Standard newspaper, and who was famously hauled up in front of some sort of bogus Province of Alberta Kangaroo Court for a variety of thought crimes. Click here for the show notes, links, and ways to listen to the show; directly from the web site, by downloading the mp3 file, or by subscribing with your podcatcher of choice.
Below is the text of my commentary.
Hi, this is Doug Payton for Shire Network News asking you to "Consider This!"
Regular listeners to SNN will recall that in May of 2007 I talked about the children’s show "Tomorrow’s Pioneers", a Hamas-produced TV show that depicted a young girl and her mouse sidekick, named Farfur, meaning butterfly. The purpose of Farfur was to indoctrinate Palestinian children to the idea of jihad and to demonstrate just how eeevil the Jews are. Episodes on how to properly hold an AK-47 give you an idea of just how "charming" this show was.
At the time, the Palestinian government, aware of the PR fiasco it might be incurring, said they would nix the show. When Hamas refused to stop airing the show, the government said that, well, OK, but they’d be watching it closely.
I’m sure they have, and here in February of 2008 the show is still going strong. I guess in the world of the Palestinians, "oversight" simply means to watch. These days, there is a new sidekick. It’s a rabbit named Assud, meaning lion. Either these Hamas producers enjoy this sort of cognitive dissonance, or they just didn’t have the requisite costumes.
Assud’s arrival was required after his predecessor, Nahoul the bee, died because he couldn’t get to a hospital in Egypt for surgery. Someone apparently didn’t tell him that Hamas took down that wall a few weeks ago. Of course, Egypt’s feelings toward the Palestinians made a rapid change after that development; from "we support the Palestinians in their plight" to "hey, who invited you here?" So it sounds like Nahoul still wouldn’t get his operation, and it still would be Israel’s fault.
Before Nahoul, Farfur himself died at the hands of an Israeli after Farfur wouldn’t sell his land and got punched out on camera. The desensitizing of Palestinian children continues unabated, but it’s all "educational", doncha’ know?
So now Assud, the rabbit named "Lion", follows in these illustrious footsteps, vowing to liberate the Al-Aqsq mosque and the Palestinian "homeland". Not exactly your typical Children’s Television Workshop faire. Assud seeks martyrdom and intends to eat Jews, all while bringing "smiles and joy back to the children of Palestine".
Just remember, this is on a television station run by the terrorist group that is in power in the Palestinian territories. This is the voice of a group that wants to be taken seriously on the world stage, and, unfortunately, is taken seriously by too much of the world. They say they want to live in peace, but ingrain in their preschool children a hatred of and desire to kill their neighbors. Until this sort of insanity stops, they cannot be taken seriously and cannot be taken at their word. Peaceful is as peaceful does. The rabbit named "Lion", who is teaching Palestinian children, isn’t.
Consider that.
Technorati Tags: Shire Network News, Hamas, Palestinians, Farfur, Nahul, Assud
Filed under: Israel • Middle East • Podcasts • Shire Network News • Television • Terrorism
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