Ladies and gentlemen…
Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here to tell you that the racial civil rights war has been won! No matter your skin color or nationality, we are now officially equal. How do I know? Check out this report from FOX News (scroll down to the bottom to see it):

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, has detected racial discrimination in the naming of Hurricanes. She says names like Hurricane Andrew, Hurricane Sam and Hurricane Wanda are just too white and, “all racial groups should be represented.” But, as The Hill newspaper notes, Jackson Lee will have to wait until at least 2007, when the current roster of names runs out.

Yes, when the “whiteness” of hurricane names are the cause of uproar for black politicians, it serves to show 2 things:

  • Said politicians have become irrelevant.
  • If they’re forced to look to such trivial things as hurricane names to find discrimination, it must be virtually wiped out.

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