"CNN Money" Lists 5 Freedoms You’ll Lose Under "ObamaCare"
No, you read that right. It’s not Fox News reporting this; it’s CNN. Even if you believe Fox News Channel is the broadcast arm of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, you don’t have that excuse to hand-wave this away.
The article is here, but here’s just the main list of items:
- Freedom to choose what’s in your plan
- Freedom to be rewarded for healthy living, or pay your real costs
- Freedom to choose high-deductible coverage
- Freedom to keep your existing plan
- Freedom to choose your doctors
CNN details how these freedoms will be lost, in spite of protestations from Obama and his backers. These freedoms would be lost in either of the two main bills; one in the House and one in the Senate.
This is not just about covering folks who don’t have insurance, and millions of whom indeed don’t want insurance. It’s about government control of the industry.
(There’s a word for that. Can’t recall it just now.)
Filed under: Government • Medicine
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Alright I read the article and here’s the thing. What he says is technically true in the way someone says they can sell you a clothes drier for 25 dollars and gives you clothes pins. The only real change for most Americans is the health care exchange which would give you a choice amongst the exchange, which is actually more than most people get now. The whole you’ll lose your doctor choices is a joke, because I don’t know one specialist I don’t need a referral to go see. The you’ll pay more when you’re young idea I don’t get. If healthcare is already too expensive for them to get how would they suddenly jump into the exchange? This isn’t Romneycare where you are forced into buying private insurance as a giveaway to private insurance.
Regarding choosing your doctor; even with referrals you have choice. Our dentist referred us to an orthodontist and we got a quote from him. Deciding we wanted a second opinion, we got a referral to another one and went there for an estimate. (Braces, here we come.) But I do have choices.
Right now, I can choose my primary care doctor. Doesn’t look like I can do that with the current reform bills. Will I have to choose my insurance based on the doctor I would be assigned? That’s less choice than now.