Friday Link Wrap-up
A typical reason couples live together before getting married is that, supposedly, this will allow them to find out if they are compatible and thus ensure their marriage lasts longer. But a new study says, nope, they are less likely to stay married.
Read my lips; no new taxes on those making $250,000 or less. Well, we may soon add to the many exceptions since that promise was made, "unless you own a home".
The revolving door between the MSM and the Democratic Party. Oh, that liberal media.
If the Gulf oil spill had happened on Bush’s watch, do you really think the environmental groups would be as virtually silent as they are now? (Me neither.)
Remember how the UN climate change panel was supposed to be the result of boatloads of scientists in agreement? Turns out the boat was a dingy.
And from the "Beware of Governments Bearing Gifts" department:
Churches and other faith-based organizations that receive government funds, beware. In an agreement that will be enforced by a federal court, government agencies in New York have agreed to monitor the Salvation Army to ensure that it doesn’t impose religion on the people its serves through its tax-funded social services.
The agreement just effects the Salvation Army’s social work in New York, but it’s more than a cautionary tale for religious groups in this era of government-backed faith-based initiatives. "With this settlement, government is watching out," co-counsel Deborah Karpatkin of the N.Y. Civil Liberties Union said in a statement. "It will not fund religious organizations to proselytize to recipients of government-funded social services."
The Salvation Army’s social services are intended to be an expression of faith in God and love for fellow man, but if they are prevented from doing the former while performing the latter, they’re being hobbled. My suggestion has always been to avoid government money at all costs.
Filed under: Culture • Economics • Ethics & Morality • Global Warming • Government • Liberal • Media • Religion
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