Friday Link Wrap-up
Media Bias Dept.: The Left got upset when Rupert Murdoch gave money to right-wing groups. No mention, of course of the 88% of TV network donations go to Democrats. And how much coverage did you hear about the BBC’s Director General admitting that the state-run news organization has had a "massive" left-wing bias? Yeah, me neither. Also, Patterico explains how the media has shaped the national discussion by selective coverage.
Market Watch: The market is doing more for troubled homeowners than the government it. CNN is, apparently, shocked to discover such a thing can happen.
"Recovery" Summer Dept.: Germany’s recover has been fueled to a large extent by private sector consumption and growth, as opposed to the graph I posted earlier showing most of our jobs went to the government. And irony of ironies, a French bureaucrat had to tell the US about cutting spending spurs growth. Why can our own guys understand that?
ObamaCare Dept.: After helping pass the health care bill, one Democratic Senator, using language he helped craft in the bill, is trying to use it to exempt his state from the individual mandate. "Yeah, it’s a great idea … for everyone else but me." Also, reality is putting the lie to the promise that nothing was going to change for you if you like the health care you have.
Film Corner: The trailer us up for "Blood Money", an expose of the abortion industry.
Government (In)action Dept.: The Justice Department is refusing to enforce voter fraud laws, and they’ve plainly said as much. So one lawyer is using a provision of the law to file the lawsuits the Obama’s Justice won’t. Our President respects the rule of law insofar as it furthers his own agenda. No good can come of that.
Gossip Column: Fidel Castro himself admits that the communist economic model doesn’t work. It "works" only insofar as you get influxes of cash from, say, a beneficiary either internally (the "rich") or externally (the USSR). But on its own, it is an abject failure. Would that the Left would hear this and stop trying to move us closer to it.
And finally, the last word on the "Ground Zero Mosque" and the burning of Korans, from Rick McKee. (Click for a larger image.)
Filed under: Abortion • Economics • Islam • Judiciary • Liberal • Media • Medicine • Religion
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