Friday Link Wrap-up
No, the Bush tax cuts didn’t cause the recession. Yes, Obama’s "recovery" has been the worst in history. These and other economic realities can be summed up in this graph. (Click for a larger version.)
A sex scandal involving adults and children under their charge. No, not the Catholic church of the 60s; the public schools of today.
While he did get the number wrong, Romney was right in that those who pay the least in income taxes are the least likely to vote for him.
The number of scientific papers that had to be retracted last year was a 10x increase over the rate during the previous decade. And a study of those retractions finds that 3/4ths of those retractions were due to misconduct rather than honest mistakes.
Good news in the stem cell debate. "Two stem-cell researchers have won this year’s Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their groundbreaking work in cellular reprogramming, a technique that unleashed a wave of advances in biology, from cloning to the possible treatment of diseases using a patient’s own cells." That is, there is less of a reason to use embryonic stem cells, when adult ones will do just as well.
Hedging their bets? "A survey by the Pew Research Center discovered that 2.4 percent of Americans say they are atheists and 3.3 percent say they are agnostic. Among the atheists and agnostics, however, 6 percent said they pray daily."
Need more money for your school district, by proving how many students attend? Make them wear microchips. Privacy takes a back seat to cash.
And finally, some apt scripture for the VP debate last night. (Click for a larger version.)
Filed under: Atheism • Culture • Democrats • Economics • Education • Politics • Religion • Science • Stem Cells
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