Rod Dreher of the Na…
Rod Dreher of the National Review points out, with plenty of examples to back it all up, that liberals and their lap-dogs in the press don’t consider hate directed towards Christians as hate at all. The “hate crime” laws only work one way (which, I’m thinking more and more, was the point in the first place). ‘Straights’ kill ‘gay’…makes the national news for a year. ‘Gays’ kill ‘straight’…virtual silence. If the ‘straight’ killed was a Christian, ignore that angle. Rod’s article makes great points showing both the incredible double standard that is “hate crime legislation”, as well as demonstrating big media’s complicity in towing the liberal line.
Al Gore ripped into Fox News, the Washington Times and Rush Limbaugh for being lap-dogs for the Republicans. Well, there’s no denying that Rush certainly prefers them to Democrats, but he doesn’t present himself as a non-partisan anyway. However, consider the TV & newspaper businesses. Al’s complaints about how Fox & the Times cover Republican side of the day’s stories make no sense. If you’ve ever watched the former or read the latter, you know that both sides are represented when it comes to the hard news stories. The problem lies in virtually every other major media outlet, where the conservative side is diminished or ignored, as we saw above with the disparity in coverage of “gay v straight” crimes. Fox & the Times aren’t the problem, they’re the solution! The problem is people like Al who think that liberal-bias in the news is OK while balance is evil.
(For a daily dose of liberal bias in the news media, subscribe to the Media Research Center’s daily CyberAlert. I think that sometimes Brent Baker’s a bit over-sensitive to things, but there’s still plenty of good examples of how the press slants by how they report, what they report, or what they ignore. The best bits they do compare coverage of similar events when the target was a Democrat vs. when it’s a Republican. Very eye-opening.)
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