Take a week off, and…
Take a week off, and miss a lot. Not only that, but my plan to wax eloquent on the transfer of power to Iraq in the two days prior to the turnover was sabotaged at the highest levels!

But frankly that’s a Good Thing. It caught the terrorists flatfooted, mutes any charges of grandstanding against the Bush administration, and does the real conservative thing; give people their power/money/government back earlier than anticipated. I’ve already heard that Dan Rather suggested that the early turnover was due to the unimagined terror incidents that had been increasing, but c’mon now; if even I predicted an increase in violence in the days & week prior to the turn over (here and here) 2 months ago, do you really believe this sort of desperation was unexpected?

Brilliant move by Bush. Bremer’s already left the building. Happy birthday, Iraq!

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