The current edition …
The current edition of The Federalist has this great quote in it. It ties in nicely with the previously linked Ann Coulter piece, exposing further hypocracy.

“(Memo to Ari Fleischer who has yet to produce a lucid talking point rebutting the Left’s criticism — here is one: Last week, the Left was criticizing the Bush administration for not telling the public about a pre-9-11 unconfirmed, unsubstantiated, uncorroborated and unspecified threat (see Federalist No. 02-20). This week, the Left is criticizing the Bush administration for telling the public about a post-9-11 unconfirmed, unsubstantiated, uncorroborated and unspecified threat. (But of course, the criticism is not politically motivated….)”

The only explanation I can figure for all this waffling is this: November, 2002. The Dems are throwing everything in their arsenal at Bush, regardless of how ludicrious it is on its face or how diametrically opposed it is to what they said yesterday, and hoping that, come Election Day, it has some staying power with their base (i.e. those for whom what was said last week let alone last year is no longer remembered or relevant). They’ll say that “this isn’t enough” and “that’s too much” (even, as in this case, they’re talking about identical things), but they’ll never says what’s just right. No one can never live up to their mark because they refuse to set one. All the better to criticize (and get re-elected) with, my dear.

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