A new study is putti…
A new study is putting the lie to the idea of a truly “safe” abortion:
Women who undergo abortions suffer serious psychological problems more frequently than was previously thought, according to a new study.
Published yesterday in the Medical Science Monitor, the study surveyed 331 Russian women and 217 American women who had undergone one or more induced abortions, but who hadn’t experienced a miscarriage or stillbirth. Among the study’s major findings were:
- Of American women, 53.9 percent felt badly after their abortion while only 13.8 percent felt relief.
- Some 36.4 percent of the American women had suicidal thoughts and 26.7 percent increased their use of alcohol or drugs.
- Only 10.8 percent of the American women surveyed said they received adequate counseling before the abortion. Fully 84 percent did not receive adequate counseling and 5.2 percent were unsure.
- Over 42 percent of American women reported being sexually or physically abused before age 18 compared to only 11.4 percent of Russian women.
- About 50 percent of all the women surveyed felt that their abortion had been morally wrong.
- Some 79.2 percent of the American women had never been counseled on alternatives to abortion.
- Over 54 percent of American women were not sure about their decision to abort their pregnancy.
“This is the first published study to compare reactions to abortion among women in two different countries,” said Dr. Vincent Rue, lead author of the study and co-director of the Institute for Pregnancy Loss. “It is also the first to provide a detailed breakdown of traumatic symptoms which the subjects themselves attribute to their abortions. These results will help mental health workers to be better prepared to recognize and treat the psychological complications of abortion.”
Further study is probably warranted. The thing I note is that this kind of information is probably not presented to the women involved–they don’t get the whole story–since almost 80% don’t get adequate counseling. It further proves that abortion, from the Planned Parenthood side of things, is not about the women but about the money. PP doesn’t get your money if you put your child up for adoption, so they don’t say much about it.
Follow the money.
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