Michael Newdow, the …
Michael Newdow, the plaintiff in the “Under God” Pledge of Allegiance case, is at it again. Now he’s trying to sue Congress to end Capitol Hill chaplain posts.
Newdow represents the classic misinterpretation of “separation of church and state”. Chaplains have been a part of Congress since 1789 (at least that’s when they started getting paid). Those Congressmen were far closer to the writing and debating of the Constitution that we are, and thus knew far better than we what they meant when they said that government shouldn’t establish an official religion. Yet Newdow contends that, within a couple years of writing the Establishment Clause, they went about tearing it down and ignoring what so many of they and their fellow countrymen had fought and died for. And somehow that makes sense to him and so many others.
Psst, Mikey. Jefferson said the “wall of separation” between church and state would prevent government from getting involved in religion. Not a word from Thomas on religion being involved in government. Consider that. And consider reading David Barton’s “Separation of Church and State” article, fully footnoted, as to what Jefferson really thought about religion and government. (It’s one article of a number of his that deal with religion in American government, including one specifically dealing with chaplains.)
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