Even given the probl…
Even given the problems in our intelligence gathering, as noted by David Kay, that caused the Clinton administration to overestimate the WMD issue in Iraq, it’s nice to know that there are still a lot of folks who believe we still did the right thing in Iraq.
[Thabet Karim] Jassem was among thousands of Iraqis that had been stranded on the Kuwait-Iraq border last week over visa problems. Some 33,000 Iraqis were chosen by lottery to perform the Haj this year, the first pilgrimage for post-Saddam Iraq.
“We remained nine days at the border, it was a very miserable time for thousands,” said Bakkar Rasoul, a Kurdish eye doctor from Suleimaniya. “But I am really happy that we are free and God helped us to visit Makkah.”
“I and many people are thankful towards the United States because they were able to release us and we will definitely never forget. I don’t think any Muslim can forget this,” he said, standing by Kurdish and Iraqi flags beside the Iraqi pilgrims.
You’re welcome sir. Some folks don’t understand it, but I’m glad you do.
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