Such words to descri…
Such words to describe a bake sale?

Sullivan denounced the bake sale as “inexcusably hurtful” and “abusive,” insisting the Sons of Liberty’s fall event “did not meet the administrative requirements we routinely impose on such activities.”

“Sullivan” is President of William & Mary College Timothy J. Sullivan. Well what could be so hurtful and abusive about a bake sale?

A student group at the College of William & Mary fought successfully for restoration of their “affirmative-action bake sale,” a satirical event designed to show harmful effects of race-based admission policies.

Around the nation, a number of similar protests by conservative campus groups have been shut down after raising the ire of school officials and some students. At Southern Methodist University in Dallas, for example, a bake sale was shut down after the Young Conservatives of Texas posted a sign saying white males had to pay $1 for a cookie. White women, on the other hand, were charged 75 cents. It was 50 cents for Hispanics and 25 cents for blacks.

If giving people certain advantages because of their race is so “inexcusably hurtful” and “abusive” in such a little thing as a bake sale, why is it a Good Thing when the same advantage is given in other areas, like, say, college admissions?

And as this (alleged) bastion of free speech, an American college, what’s the latest news on this protest?

The Sons of Liberty group at William & Mary said it was public exposure and pressure from a group called the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, or FIRE, that caused officials to reverse their position after shutting down the the Nov. 8 event.

Stifling dissent at an institution that, statistics show, leans so heavily liberal? Imagine that. Can’t blame Ashcroft for this.

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