Shire Network News #176: Pastor Ameal Haddad
Shire Network News #176 has been released. The feature interview is with Pastor Ameal Haddad of Ambassadors For Peace. His idea is that people around the world should have religious freedom. I know, crazy, right? Maybe it’s so crazy it might just work through. Click here for the show notes, links, and ways to listen to the show; directly from the web site, by downloading the mp3 file, or by subscribing with your podcatcher of choice.
Below is the text of my commentary.
Hi, this is Doug Payton for Shire Network News with a year-end edition of "Consider This!"
In January of this year, SNN contributors Meryl Yourish and I did a bit of prognostication about 2009, in which we spoke as though it were December. Well, here we are in December and I’d like to take a look back at my predictions and find out how much of a satirical seer I was.
President Obama, while not having actually had any law enacted or treaty signed regarding global warming, managed to make this year cooler than last year. Must have been sheer force of will.
Sure enough, some cold temperatures records were set in both Europe and America. Indeed, it appears that, against all models, warming has stopped, and the "ClimateGate" scandal featured the head of the Climate Analysis Section at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Kevin Trenberth, proclaiming that it’s a "travesty" that they can’t "account for the lack of warming at the moment". Clearly, due to President Obama’s force of will.
My second prediction was a bit tongue-in-cheek. Well, OK, they all were, but this predicted the creation of an Iraqi Olympic Shoe-Throwing Team. While the team has yet to materialize, the Iraqi reporter that threw a shoe at President Bush was the target of someone apparently trying out for the team. An exiled reporter, supportive of US policy in Iraq, decided to make his mark. The IOC, however, judged that the throw was disqualified because it hit a wall, making proper distance measuring impossible, and because proper safety measure were not taken.
My third prediction was simply:
The world now loves us: They really love us, ever since we elected a Democrat. Iraq even allows US troops to be stationed there, thanks to the splendid outcome of "Obama’s Terrorist Intervention" in that country, which began on January 20th of this year.
Sure enough, the nations of the world have been saying such nice things about us this past year. Well, except that they haven’t actually done anything differently. And except for Poland who we left out of a missile shield system. And, of course, except for everyone who hated us before; they still hate us now. But other than that, the world loves us!
And finally…
Universal Agreement: Both sides of the political aisle have finally come together to speak with one voice. No longer is there any disagreement, harsh criticism or mean-spirited arguing. The recently-passed bill, entitled "The Pelosi/Reid Equal Opportunity in Talk Radio and Radical Right-Wing Internet Commentary Act" (otherwise known as the PREOITRARRWICA), has gone a long way to make sure that the voice of the people is heard loud and clear.
No return of the Fairness Doctrine yet, but the government may yet interfere with radio station management in order to get the Fairness Doctrine in effect, if not in actual law. So, I guess I got this one wrong. But now you see why I had to take such a happy tone in this alternate timeline; it’s not just a good idea, it was the law.
So overall, except for perhaps the first 20 days, this year has shown us that America’s best days are ahead of her, if we can just pass that new $2.5 trillion spending bill. And I’m sure we will.
Hey, with TARP, bailouts, and a potential budget-busting health care bill, my numbers weren’t that far off. Liberals are nothing if not predictable. No Jean Dixon necessary. Merry Christmas, and consider this.