Georgia Same-Sex Mar…
Georgia Same-Sex Marriage Amendment Update: A ruling from the State Supreme Court seems imminent.
The state Supreme Court has refused to let lawmakers go to court to defend Georgia’s constitutional amendment banning gay marriage _ potentially signaling that a decision in the case challenging it is near.
The court on Friday declined to consider an appeal by former state Sen. Mike Crotts and other lawmakers who wanted to argue in favor of the ban, which defines marriage as between a man and a woman and curbs the legal recognition of same-sex civil unions.
In January, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Constance Russell said she would rule in the case against the state soon after that issue was settled.
“Both sides have presented all their information for her, and we are hopeful that she will issue her ruling very soon,” said Jack Senterfitt, attorney for Lambda Legal Defense, a pro-gay rights group.
Senterfitt said he expects a ruling in the next 10 days.
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